
  • 陳良弼 Liang-Bi Chen
  • 職稱:副教授兼教務處課務組組長
  • 聯絡電話:(06)9264115#3505 (個人研究室);#1111 (教務處課務組)
  • 研究室:B323(個人研究室)、B308(智慧計算與系統研究室)
  • 電子郵件:liangbichen@gms.npu.edu.twliangbi.chen@gmail.com
  • 連結網址:個人網站Web of Science Profile
  • 學歷:
    • 日本早稻田大學(Waseda University)大學院基幹理工學研究科情報理工學專攻博士後期課程訪問研究 (財團法人日本台灣交流協會及國科會獎助公費出國研究)
    • 美國加州大學爾灣分校(University of California at Irvine, UCI)電腦科學系訪問研究 (國科會千里馬計畫及國科會國際合作計畫獎助公費出國研究)
    • 新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore, NUS)計算學院(School of Computing, SoC)電腦科學系訪問研究 (新加坡國立大學ARF研究計畫及台灣國科會國際合作計畫獎助公費出國研究)
    • 南臺科技大學電子系博士
    • 國立中山大學資工系博士班 (All but dissertation, ABD)
    • 國立高雄應用科技大學電資所資訊組碩士
    • 國立高雄應用科技大學電子系學士
  • 經歷:
    • 國立澎湖科技大學資工系副教授兼任教務處課務組組長(113/02~now)
    • 國立澎湖科技大學資工系助理教授兼任教務處課務組組長(110/08~113/01)
    • 國立澎湖科技大學資工系助理教授(110/02~110/07)
    • 國立澎湖科技大學資工系助理教授兼任海工院院長特助(109/08~110/01)
    • 南臺科技大學工學院助理研究員兼任電子系助理教授
    • 南臺科技大學工學院博士後研究員兼任電子系助理教授
    • 南臺科技大學AIoT智慧聯網應用技術研發中心研發經理
    • 卡訊電子股份有限公司副總特助
    • 卡訊電子股份有限公司軟體研發工程師
    • 國立高雄科技大學電子系/工設系兼任講師
    • 國立臺中科技大學資管系/企管系/應商系兼任講師
    • 國立屏東大學資工系兼任講師
    • 國立屏東科技大學資管系兼任講師
    • 大仁科技大學資工系兼任講師
    • 美和科技大學會資系兼任講師
    • 實踐大學高雄校區資設系兼任講師
    • 國立中山大學圖書館學分班兼任講師
    • 市立高雄高工電子科/資訊科兼任教師
    • 市立高雄高商電腦科兼任教師
    • 市立中正高工資訊科兼任教師
    • 新加坡國立大學華會華樂團指揮/藝術總監
    • 市立高雄女中國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 市立高雄高工無敵國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 國立高雄大學國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 國立高雄應用科技大學典雅國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 國立高雄第一科技大學國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 高雄醫學大學國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 國立高雄師範大學追月國樂社二胡分部教師
    • 文藻外語大學國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 國立屏東大學國樂社二胡分部教師及樂團指揮
    • 國立中山大學南雁國樂社暑訓二胡教師
    • 市立大義國中二胡社教師
    • 市立中正高中國中部國樂社二胡分部教師
    • 市立佛公國樂國樂社指導教師
    • 市立省躬國小國樂社二胡分部教師
    • 高雄市菜公廟國樂團二胡教師
    • 高雄市永安區國樂團二胡教師
    • 市立正興國中舞獅隊指導老師
    • 中華民國陸軍第八軍團75資電群指揮官傳令兵
    • 中華民國陸軍第八軍團指揮部(泰山營區)春節舞獅表演教練
  • 專長及研究領域:
    • 物聯網(IoT)系統設計與應用
    • 智慧物聯網(AIoT)系統設計與應用
    • 物聯網資訊安全
    • 人工智慧(AI)
    • 深度學習(Deep Learning)
    • 機器學習(Machine Learning)
    • FPGA晶片設計
    • 科技專案管理
    • 專題/問題/產品導向學習 (3PBL)
    • 工程科技教育
    • 二胡演奏
    • 國樂團指揮
    • 舞獅(兩廣醒獅)
陳良弼 Liang-Bi Chen

International Journal Papers (44 Accepted/Published Papers)

  1. Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Yi-Chan Chiu, and Xiang-Rui Huang, “An Efficient Scalp Inspection and Diagnosis System Using Multiple Deep Learning-Based Modules,” IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 22-35, Winter 2024. (SCI, EI) (IF: 2, Q3)
  2. Wu-Chih Hu, Liang-Bi Chen*, Bo-Hao Wang, Guo-Wei Li, and Xiang-Rui Huang, “Design and Implementation of a Full-Time Artificial Intelligence of Things-Based Water Quality Inspection and Prediction System for Intelligent Aquaculture,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 3811-2821, Feb. 2024. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.325, Q1) 
  3. Xiang-Rui Huang and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Social issues of aging: Immersive technology solutions,” IEEE Potentials, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 12-17, Nov./Dec. 2023. (EI)
  4. Liang-Bi Chen*, Xiang-Rui Huang, and Wei-Han Chen, “Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence of Things-Based Autonomous Mobile Robot System for Pitaya Harvesting,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 23, No. 12, pp. 13220-13235, Jun. 2023. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.325, Q1)
  5. Xiang-Rui Huang and Liang-Bi Chen*, “An underwater explorer remotely operated vehicle: Unraveling the Secrets of the Ocean,” IEEE Potentials, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 31-36, May/Jun. 2023. (EI)
  6. Chun-Te Lee, Liang-Bi Chen*, Huan-Mei Chu, and Yen-Yi Lee, “A buoyancy device design for antisink ships,” IEEE Potentials, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 43-50, May/Jun. 2023. (EI)
  7. Liang-Bi Chen*, Xiang-Rui Huang, Wei-Han Chen, Wen-Yu Pai, Guan-Zhi Huang, and Wei-Chien Wang, “Design and Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence of Things-based Autonomous Mobile Robot System for Cleaning Garbage,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 8909-8922, Apr. 2023. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.325, Q1)
  8. Wu-Chin Hu, Liang-Bi Chen*, Meng-Heng Hsieh, and Yuan-Kai Ting, “A Deep Learning-Based Fast Counting Methodology Using Density Estimation for Counting Shrimp Larvae,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 23, No, 1, pp. 527-535, Jan. 2023. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.325, Q1)
  9. Liang-Bi Chen*, Guan-Zhi Huang, Xiang-Rui Huang, and Wei-Chien Wang, “A Self-Supervised Learning-Based Intelligent Greenhouse Orchid Growth Inspection System for Precision Agriculture,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, No. 24, pp. 24567-24577, Dec. 2022. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.325, Q1)
  10. Szu-Yu Kuo, Xiang-Rui Huang, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Smart Port: An Exploration of Sustainable Smart Business Port Operation Schemes Based on AIoT and Blockchain Technologies,” IEEE Potentials, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 32-37, Nov./Dec. 2022. (EI)
  11. Liang-Bi Chen*, Yi-Hsuan Liu, Xiang-Rui Huang, Wei-Han Chen, and Wei-Chien Wang, “Design and Implementation of a Smart Seawater Aquarium System Based on Artificial Intelligence of Things Technology,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, No. 20, pp. 19908-19918, Oct. 2022. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.325, Q1)
  12. Chien-Min Cheng, Tsen-Fang Lin, Yeou-Jiunn Chen, Liang-Bi Chen*, “Promoting Relaxation Using Monaural Beats with Ultralow-Frequency Inaudible Sounds: An Empirical Case Study,” IEEE Access, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 50807-50818, May 2022. (SSCI, SCI, EI) (IF: 3.476, Q2)
  13. Wu-Chih Wu, Liang-Bi Chen*, Bo-Kai Huang, and Hong-Ming Lin, “A Computer Vision-Based Intelligent Fish Feeding System Using Deep Learning Techniques for Aquaculture,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 7185-7194, Apr. 2022. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.325, Q1)
  14. Chun-Te Lee, Liang-Bi Chen*, Huan-Mei Chu, and Che-Jen Hsieh, “Design and Implementation of a Leader-Follower Smart Office Lighting Control System Based on IoT Technology,” IEEE Access, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 28066-28079, Mar. 2022. (SCI, EI) (IF: 3.476, Q2)
  15. Chun-Te Lee, Liang-Bi Chen*, Huan-Mei Chu, Che-Jen Hesih, and Wei-Chieh Liang, “An Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Master-Slave Regionalized Intelligent LED-Light-Controlling System,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 1, Article 420, pp. 1-23, Jan. 2022. (SSCI, SCI, EI) (IF: 2.679, Q2)
  16. Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen*, I-Chen Lin, and Yang-Kun Ou, “iBuffet: An AIoT-Based Intelligent Calorie Management System for Eating Buffet Meals with Calorie Intake Control,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp. 226-234, Nov. 2021. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.414, Q2)
  17. Szu-Yu Kuo and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Applying Sociotechnical Systems Theory to Examine the Values of Lean Practices in the Context of Container Shipping,” IEEE Access, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 146921-146937, Oct. 2021. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  18. Wan-Jung Chang, Chia-Hao Hsu, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “A Pose Estimation-Based Fall Detection Methodology Using Artificial Intelligence Edge Computing,” IEEE Access, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 129965-129975, Sep. 2021. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  19. Hsin-Wei Wang, Szu-Yu Kuo, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Exploring the Relationship between Internal Information Security, Response Cost, and Security Intention in Container Shipping,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 6, Article 2609, 2021. (SSCI, SCI, EI) (IF: 2.679, Q2)
  20. Huan-Mei Chu, Chun-Te Lee, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Yen-Yi Lee, “An Expandable Modular Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Temperature Control Power Extender,” Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 5, Article 565, pp. 1-17, 2021. (SCI, EI) (IF: 2.412, Q2)
  21. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, Cheng-You Sie, and Ching-Hsiang Yang, “An Artificial Intelligence Edge Computing-based Assistive System for Visually Impaired Pedestrian Safety at Zebra Crossings,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 3-11, Feb. 2021. (SCI, EI) (IF: 2.739, Q2) (3rd Place Best Paper Award of 2021 IEEE CTSoc Chester Sall Award)
  22. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, and Jian-Ping Su, “Design and Implementation of Intelligent Tape for Monitoring High-Price and Fragile Cargo Shipments during Transport Procedures,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, No. 23, pp. 14521-14533, Dec. 2020. (SCI, EI) (IF: 3.076, Q1)
  23. Ming-Jong Lin, Liang-Bi Chen, and Chao-Tang Yu, “A Methodology for Diagnosing Faults in Oil-immersed Power Transformers Based on Minimizing the Maintenance Cost,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.209570-209578, Nov. 2020. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  24. Chun-Te Lee, Ping-Tsan Ho, Yen-Yi Lee, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “A Research on the 4th Generation Intelligent Energy-Saving Solar Water Heating Tank,” Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 11, Article 1941, pp. 1-15, Nov. 2020. (SCI, EI) (IF: 2.412, Q2)
  25. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Jian-Ping Su, Cheng-You Sie, and Ching-Hsiang Yang, “Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Assistive System for Visually Impaired People to Aerial Obstacles Avoidance and Fall Detection,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, No. 17, pp. 10199-10210, Sep. 2020. (SCI, EI) (IF: 3.076, Q1)
  26. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Yi-Chan Chiu, and Jian-Yu Lin, “ScalpEye: A Deep Learning-Based Scalp Hair Inspection and Diagnosis System for Scalp Health,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 134826-134837, 2020. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  27. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Jhen-Hao Chen, Tzu-Chin Yang, and Cheng-Pei Lin, “MedGlasses: A Wearable Smart-Glasses-Based Drug Pill Recognition System Using Deep Learning for Visually Impaired Chronic Patients” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 17013-17024, 2020.  (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  28. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, and Ke-Yu Su, “DeepCrash: A Deep Learning-based Internet of Vehicles System for Head-on and Single-vehicle Accident Detection with Emergency Notification,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 148163-148175, 2019.  (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  29. Wan-Jung Chang* and Liang-Bi Chen, “Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Motorcycle Helmet for Large Vehicle Approach Intimation,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 3882-3892, May 2019. (SCI, EI) (IF: 3.076, Q1)
  30. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Cheng-Pei Lin, and Tzu-Chin Yang, “A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Medicine Recognition System for Chronic Patients,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 44441-44458, Apr. 2019. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  31. Wei-Wen Hu, Fu-Liang Chang, Yuan-Hua Zhang, Liang-Bi Chen, Chao-Tang Yu*, and Wan-Jung Chang, “Design and Implementation of a Next-Generation Hybrid Internet of Vehicles Communication System for Driving Safety,” Journal of Communications, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 737-742, Dec. 2018. (EI) (Invited Paper)
  32. Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, and Yu-Zung Chiou “Design and Implementation of a Drowsiness-Fatigue-Detection System Based on Wearable Smart Glasses to Increase Road Safety,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 461-469, Nov. 2018. (SCI, EI) (IF: 2.083, Q2)
  33. Wei-Chien Wang, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Wan-Jung Chang*, “Development and Experimental Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for an Intelligent Hairy Scalp Detection System,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, No, 6, Article 853, Jun. 2018. (SCI, EI) (IF: 2.217, Q2)
  34. Wei-Chien Wang, Shang-Liang Chen, Liang-Bi Chen, and Wan-Jung Chang*, A Machine Vision Based Automatic Optical Inspection System for Measuring Drilling Quality of Printed Circuit Boards,” IEEE Access, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 10817-10833, 2017. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  35. Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Kuen-Min Lee, Chi-Wei Huang, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “A Comprehensive Medicine Management System with Multiple Sources in a Nursing Home in Taiwan,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E99-D, No.6, pp. 1447-1454, 2016. (SCI, EI)
  36. Liang-Bi Chen, Hong-Yuan Li, Wan-Jung Chang*, Jing-Jou Tang, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “WristEye: Wrist-Wearable Devices and a System for Supporting Elderly Computer Learners,” IEEE Access, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 1454-1463, 2016. (SCI, EI) (IF: 4.098, Q1)
  37. Katherine Shu-Min Li, Yingchieh Ho, Yu-Wei Yang, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “An Oscillation-Based Temperature-Aware Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling Scheme in System-on-a-Chip,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E97-D, No. 9, pp. 2320-2329, Sep. 2014. (SCI, EI)
  38. Liang-Bi Chen*, Yen-Bor Lin, and Chung-Chu Chia*, “A Novel Visual Aid and Teaching Materials for the Design Training of Embedded Microprocessors,” IEEE Technology and Engineering Education (ITEE), Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 7-15, 2013.
  39. Katherine Shu-Min Li, Yingchieh Ho, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Interconnect-Driven Floorplanning with Noise-Aware Buffer Planning,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E96-A, No. 12, pp. 2467-2474, Dec. 2013. (SCI, EI)
  40. Katherine Shu-Min Li, Chih-Yun Pai, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Maximal Interconnect Resilient Methodology for Fault Tolerance, Yield, and Reliability Improvement in Network on Chip,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E94-A, No. 12, pp. 2649-2658, Dec. 2011. (SCI, EI)
  41. Chung-Ping Young, Chung-Chu Chia, Yen-Bor Lin, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Fast Multi-Cipher Transformation and Its Implementation for Modern Secure Protocols,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information, and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 7, No. 8, pp.4941-4954, Aug. 2011. (SCI, EI)
  42. Liang-Bi Chen*, Yen-Ling Chen, and Ing-Jer Huang, “A Real-Time Power Analysis Platform for Power-Aware Embedded System Development,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 1165-1182, May 2011. (SCI, EI)
  43. Liang-Bi Chen*, Jiun-Cheng Ju, Chien-Chou Wang, and Ing-Jer Huang, “HPChecker: An AMBA AHB On-chip Bus Protocol Checker with Efficient Verification Mechanisms,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E93-D, No. 8, pp. 2100-2108, Aug. 2010. (SCI, EI)
  44. Liang-Bi Chen*, Chi-Tsai Yeh, Hung-Yu Chen, and Ing-Jer Huang, “A System-Level Model of Design Space Exploration for a Tile-Based 3D Graphics SoC Refinement,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E92-A, No. 12, pp. 3193-3202, Dec. 2009. (SCI, EI)

* denotes the Corresponding Author

Domestic Journal Papers (8 Accepted/Published Papers)

  1. 王子維、何冠儒、顏安淇、陳良弼 (Advisor):中小企業導入雲端辦公室自動化效益之個案研究,商業職業教育季刊,132,39-50,2014。(Invited Paper)
  2. 陳良弼:嵌入式系統技術應用在陸軍操課訓練上之研究──以行動式中暑防制系統設計為例,陸軍學術雙月刊,2012。
  3. 吳卿慈、陳良弼 (Advisor):台灣連鎖火鍋經營成功因素之分析與研究-以千葉火鍋連鎖店為例,商業職業教育季刊,2010。(Invited Paper)
  4. 陳珮娸、王如珍、陳良弼 (Advisor)、廖奕雯:融合模糊理論與長尾理論之有效連鎖體系經營策略,商業職業教育季刊,109,32-43,2008。(Invited Paper)
  5. 廖庭秀、陳良弼 (Advisor):連鎖加盟租書店經營管理之研究-以十大書坊花蝶館為例,商業職業教育季刊,108,42-56,2008。(Invited Paper)
  6. 陳良弼、吳思達、盧怡伶:音樂比賽之變革對國樂教育的影響,雄工學報,5,151-157,2004。
  7. 陳良弼、金立誠、吳思達:融合多元文化之班級經營策略,雄工學報,5,141-149,2004。
  8. 金立誠、陳良弼、林品岑、蔣元隆、楊正宏、廖斌毅:模糊理論應用在適性化二手商品拍賣電子商務系統,商業現代化學刊,2,3,22-29,2001。

International Conference Papers (111 Accepted/Published Papers)

  1. Hsin-Yu Chen, Xiang-Rui Huang, Ming-Chih Chen, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An Intelligent Handwriting Teaching System Based on AI Edge Computing,” Proceedings of the 2024 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET’24), Yamaguchi, Japan, Mar. 18-20, 2024. (EI) (Best Presentation Award, Presented by Hsin-Yu Chen)
  2. Liang-Bi Chen, Xiang-Rui Huang, Guan-Zhi Huang, and Szu-Yu Kuo, “A Deep Learning-Based Orchid Classification Methodology for Automated Packaging in Production Line,” Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’24), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 5-8, 2024. (EI)
  3. Chun-Ting You, Liang-Bi Chen, and Szu-Yu Kuo, “Determinants of Intelligent Logistics of iBox in Taiwan: A Case Study Utilizing the ACSI Model,” Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’24), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 5-8, 2024. (EI)
  4. Xiang-Rui Huang, Jai-Wei Wu, Wei-Liang Ke, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An Intelligent Sign Language Translation System by Integrating Facial Expressions with Hand Movements,” Proceedings of the 2023 IET International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applications (ICETA’23), Yunlin, Taiwan, 2023. (EI)
  5. Xiang-Rui Huang, Guan-Zhi Huang, and Liang-Bi Chen, “A Deep Learning-Based ROV Surveillance System for Monitoring Illegal Fishing,” Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’23), Nara, Japan, 2023. (EI)
  6. Cheng-You Yu, Chun-Ting You, Liang-Bi Chen, and Szu-Yu Kuo, “Improving the Operational Performance of Housekeeping Services in the Accommodation Industry: A Study on the Implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT),” Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’23), Nara, Japan, 2023. (EI)
  7. Xiang-Rui Huang, Szu-Yu Kuo, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An IoT-Based Smart Ship System for Driving Ship Safety,” Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’23), Nara, Japan, 2023. (EI)
  8. Wen-Yu Pai, Wei-Han Chen, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An AI Edge Computing-Based Smart Guide Dog Harness for Assisting the Visually Impaired,” Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’23), Nara, Japan, 2023. (EI)
  9. Xiang-Rui Huang, Chen-Wei Su, and Liang-Bi Chen, “A Production and Marketing Platform Model Based on the AIoT and Blockchain System for Aquaculture,” Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’23), Pingtung, Taiwan, 2023. (EI)
  10. Wu-Chih Hu, Liang-Bi Chen, Po-Ju Yu, Ming-Yuan Wu, Wei-Jia Huang, and Kai-Hung Chen, “A Deep Learning-Based White Shrimp Body Length and Bait Detection Methodology for Turbid Underwater Aquaculture Environment,” Proceedings of 2023 The 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI), pp. 60-65, Fujisawa, Japan, Jun. 23-25, 2023. (EI)
  11. Xiang-Rui Huang, Cheng-Huang Chen, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An Intelligent Lighting Monitoring and Controlling System Based on ZigBee Low-Power Wireless Technology for Smart Homes” Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 41st International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’23), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 6-8, 2023. (EI)
  12. Tsen-Fang Lin and Liang-Bi Chen, “A Study of Promoting Relaxation System Using Extra-Conscious Sounds Containing Alpha Ultra-Low Frequency Monaural Beats,” Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 41st International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’23), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 6-8, 2023. (EI)
  13. Chao-Hung Chiang, Liang-Bi Chen, Szu-Yu Kuo, Li-Juan Lin, Yi-Pin Lin, and Yu-Ching Hsu, “Evaluation of Supply Chain Management on Green Performance in Taichung Smart Port of Taiwan,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’22), Osaka, Japan, 2022. (EI)
  14. Xiang-Rui Huang, Hsin-Yu Chen, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An AI Edge Computing-Based Intelligent Hand Painting Teaching System,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’22), Osaka, Japan, 2022. (EI)
  15. Shun-Ping Chuang, Jia-Yu Guo, Xiu-Jia Tian, Bing-Hong Xiao, Szu-Yu Kuo, and Liang-Bi Chen, “Campus School Affairs System Architecture and APP for Course Push Broadcast Based on Smart Campus Applications,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’22), Osaka, Japan, 2022. (EI)
  16. Wu-Chih Hu, Guan-Zhi Huang, Xiang-Rui Huang, Wei-Chein Wang, and Liang-Bi Chen, “A Self-Supervised Learning-Based Computer Recognition Platform for Orchidaceae Classification,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’22), Osaka, Japan, 2022. (EI)
  17. Wu-Chih Hu, Liang-Bi Chen, Bo-Hao Wang, Guo-Wei Li, and Xiang-Rui Huang, “An AIoT-Based Water Quality Inspection System for Intelligent Aquaculture,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’22), Osaka, Japan, 2022. (EI)
  18. Cheng Yu, Xiang-Rui Huang, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An AIoT-Based Environment Control System for Outdoor Barbecue Restaurant in Penghu, Taiwan,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’22), Taipei, Taiwan, 2022. (EI)
  19. Hong-Ying Liou, Hsin-Yu Chen, Xiang-Rui Huang, Wei-Chien Wang, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An Intelligent Hand Painting System for Children's Arts and Crafts Education,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’22), Taipei, Taiwan, 2022. (EI)
  20. Tian-Hsiang Huang, Jia-Yu Guo, Meng-Heng Hsieh, and Liang-Bi Chen, “Information System Architecture and APP for Passenger Notification of Specific Events in MRT Cabins Based on Artificial Intelligence Assistance,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’22), Taipei, Taiwan, 2022. (EI)
  21. Chao-Hung Chiang, Liang-Bi Chen, Szu-Yu Kuo, Tzu-Ying Chen, and Xin-Yu Chen, “Risk Management in Cross Border E-Commerce by AIoT Technology,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’22), Taipei, Taiwan, 2022. (EI)
  22. Tsen-Fang Lin, Chien-Min Cheng, Yeou-Jiunn Chen, and Liang-Bi Chen, “Towards Promoting People’s Relaxation Using Monaural Beats with Ultra-low Frequency Inaudible Sounds,” Proceedings of the IEEE 2022 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI’22), Nantou, Taiwan, Apr. 21-23, 2022. (EI)
  23. Xiang-Rui Huang, Wei-Han Chen, Wen-Yu Pai, Guang-Zhi Huang, Wu-Chih Hu, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An AI Edge Computing-Based Robotic Automatic Guided Vehicle System for Cleaning Garbage,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech’22), Osaka, Japan, Mar. 7-9, 2022. (EI)
  24. Zong-Syuan Wu, Shih-Chieh Kao, Cheng-Lin Chiang, Szu-Yu Kuo, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An AI Edge Computing-Based Intelligent Rear Large Vehicles Approaching Intimation System for Motorcycles,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech’22), Osaka, Japan, Mar. 7-9, 2022. (EI)
  25. Xiang-Rui Huang, Wei-Han Chen, Wu-Chih Hu, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An AI Edge Computing-Based Robotic Arm Automated Guided Vehicle System for Harvesting Pitaya,” Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’22), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 7-9, 2022. (EI)
  26. Xiang-Rui Huang, Shih-Sian Yang, Wei-Sheng Chen, Yong-Qi Zhang, Chun-Te Lee, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An IoT-Based Smart Trash Cans Monitoring System,” Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’21), Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 12-15, 2021. (EI)
  27. Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Ping Su, Chia-Hao Chen, Shu-Ching Liu, Chih-Ching Chang, Mei-Ling Tsai, and Liang-Bi Chen, “iFitness: A Deep Learning-Based Physical Fitness Motion Detection System for Elderly People,” Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’21), Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 12-15, 2021. (EI)
  28. Yi-Hsuan Liu, Wen-Hui Wu, Xiang-Rui Huang, Wei-Han Chen, and Liang-Bi Chen, “A Smart Mini Marine Fish Tank System Based on AIoT Technology,” Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’21), Penghu, Taiwan, 2021. (EI)
  29. Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, Aaron Raymond See, and Tzu-Chin Yang, “A Bed-Exit and Bedside Fall Warning System Based on Deep Learning Edge Computing Techniques,” Proceeding of the 2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2021), Nara, Japan, Mar. 9-11, 2021. (EI)
  30. Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Yang-Kun Ou, Jia-Hong Liu, Bo-Yang Shen, I-Chen Lin, and Yin-Hsin, Tsai, “iBuffet: A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Calories Management System for Eating Buffet Meals,” Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’21), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 10-12, 2021. (EI)
  31. Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Jian-Ping Su, Ming-Che Chen, and Tzu-Chin Yang, “A Fall Risk Prediction System Based on 3D Space Human Skeleton Torso Images,” Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’21), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 10-12, 2021. (EI)
  32. Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Jian-Yu Lin, Jian-Ping Su, Chia-Hao Hsu, and Yang-Kun Ou, “A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Anti-Collision System for Car Door,” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’20), Kobe, Japan, Oct. 13-16, 2020. (EI)
  33. Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Yu Lin, Jian-Ping Su, Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Yi-Chan Chiu, and Ming-Che Chen, “Live Demonstration: An Intelligent Scalp Diagnosis System Using Deep Learning for Scalp Healthcare,” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’20), Seville, Spain, Oct. 11-14, 2020. (EI)
  34. Wan-Jung Chang, Chia-Hao Hsu, Liang-Bi Chen, Jian-Ping Su, and Ming-Che Chen, “A Wearable Devices-Based Home Sports Recording System for Health Management,” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’20), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2020. (EI)
  35. Wan-Jung Chang, Ching-Hsiang Yang, Ming-Che Chen, Jian-Ping Su, and Liang-Bi Chen, “An Intelligent Maintenance and Repair Informing System Using Machine Learning Techniques for Solar Power Generation Equipment,” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’20), Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2020. (EI)
  36. Wan-Jung Chang, Ming-Che Chen, Liang-Bi Chen, Yi-Chan Chiu, Chia-Hao Hsu, Yang-Kun Ou, and Qiu Chen, “A Mobile Device-Based Hairy Scalp Diagnosis System Using Deep Learning Techniques,” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech’20), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 10-12, 2020. (EI) (Outstanding Paper Award)
  37. Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Ping Su, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Ching-Hsiang Yang, Cheng-You Sie, Yang-Kun Ou, and Cheng-Hsin Chuang, “An AI Edge Computing Based Wearable Assistive Device for Visually Impaired People Zebra-Crossing Walking,” Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’20), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 4–6, 2020. (EI)
  38. Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Ping Su, Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Cheng-Pei Lin, Tzu-Chin Yang, Ming-Che Chen, and Yang-Kun Ou, “BodyTracker: A Deep Learning Based 3D Limb Trajectory Tracking System for Rehabilitation,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’19), Osaka, Japan, Oct. 14-18, 2019. (EI)
  39. Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Ping Su, Chia-Hao Hsu, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, Huang-Chih Chen, and Chiu-Fa Lin, “iCAP: An IoT-based Intelligent Liquid Waste Barrels Monitoring System,” Proceedings of 11th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC’19), Colchester, United Kingdom, 2019. (EI)
  40. Wan-Jung Chang, Yun-Tai Hsueh, Yu-Xiang Zeng, Liang-Bi Chen, Ming-Che Chen, and Chao-Tang Yu, “AudioNet: An Audio Frequency Based Wireless Communication Scheme for Wireless Personal Area Networks,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’19), Yilan, Taiwan, 2019. (EI)
  41. Wan-Jung Chang, Yue-Xun Yu, Jhen-Hao Chen, Zhi-Yao Zhang, Sung-Jie Ko, Tsung-Han Yang, Chia-Hao Hsu, Liang-Bi Chen, and Ming-Che Chen, “A Deep Learning Based Wearable Medicines Recognition System for Visually Impaired People,” Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (IEEE AICAS 2019), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Mar. 18– 20, 2019. (EI)
  42. Sheng-Xiu Lin, Yuan-Hua Zhang, Chao-Tang Yu, Wei-Wen Hu, Liang-Bi Chen, and Wan-Jung Chang, “A DC Power-Line Communication based In-Vehicle Safety Aided System for Rear Vehicles Road Safety” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2019), Osaka, Japan, Mar. 12–14, 2019. (EI)
  43. Wan-Jung Chang, Miriam Schmelzer, Florian Kopp, Chia-Hao Hsu, Jian-Ping Su, Liang-Bi Chen, and Ming-Che Chen, “A Deep Learning Facial Expression Recognition based Scoring System for Restaurants,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (IEEE ICAIIC 2019), Okinawa, Japan, 2019. (EI)
  44. Liang-Bi Chen, Jian-Ping Su, Ming-Che Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Ching-Hsiang Yang, and Cheng-You Sie, “An Implementation of an Intelligent Assistance System for Visually Impaired/Blind People,” Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’19), Las Vegas, USA, 2019. (EI)
  45. Chao-Tang Yu*, Liang-Bi Chen, Wei-Wen Hu, Wan-Jung Chang, Jing-Jou Tang, and Da-Huei Lee, “Development of the Next-Generation Internet of Vehicles Communication System for Driving Safety (II),” Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT 17), Danang, Vietnam, 13-15 Nov., 2018.
  46. Jian-Ping Su, Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Wei-Chien Wang, Wan-Jung Chang*, Wei-Wen Hu, and Da-Huei Lee, “An Intelligent Scalp Inspection and Diagnosis System for Caring Hairy Scalp Health,” Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’18), Nara, Japan, 2018. (EI) (1st Prize, IEEE GCCE 2018 Excellent Demo! Award)
  47. Sheng-Xiu Lin, Jun-Min Xu, Liang-Bi Chen, and Chao-Tang Yu, “DC-Based Power Line Communication Used in A Driving Safety Aided System,” Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2018 ISNST), Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 4–5, 2018. (2nd Prize, Best Oral Paper Award)
  48. Liang-Bi Chen, Ke-Yu Su, Yu-Ching Mo, Wan-Jung Chang*, Wei-Wen Hu, Jing-Jou Tang, and Chao-Tang Yu, "An Implementation of Deep Learning based IoV System for Traffic Accident Collisions Detection with an Emergency Alert Mechanism", Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Berlin (ICCE-Berlin’18), Berlin, Germany, 2018. (EI)
  49. Jian-Ping Su, Chia-Hao Hsu, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, Wei-Wen Hu, and Da-Huei Lee, "An Intelligent Scalp Detection System for Caring Hair Scalp Health", Proceedings of the 2018 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2018), Taichung, Taiwan , 2018. (EI)
  50. Ke-Yu Su, Yu-Ching Mo, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Wei-Wen Hu, Chao-Tang Yu, and Jing-Jou Tang, “An In-Vehicle Infotainment Platform for Integrating Heterogeneous Networks Interconnection,” Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’18), Taichung, Taiwan, 2018. (EI)
  51. Jun-Ming Xu, Yang-Zhou Lin, Liang-Hong Xie, Liang-Bi Chen, and Chao-Tang Yu, “Design and Implementation of A Driving Safety Aided Mechanism,” Proceedings of the 2018 27th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC’18), Hualien, Taiwan, 2018. (EI)
  52. Wu-Lin Chen, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, and Jing-Jou Tang, “An IoT-based Elderly Behavioral Difference Warning System,” Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI’18), Tokyo/Chiba, Japan, 2018. (EI)
  53. Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, Wei-Wen Hu, Chun-Kai Wang, Da-Huei Lee, and Yu-Zung Chiou, "A Band-Pass IR Light Photodetector for Wearable Intelligent Glasses in a Drowsiness-Fatigue-Detection System," Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’18), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 12 – 14, 2018. (EI)
  54. Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, Jian-Ping Su, and Yu-Ren Chen, "i-Helmet: An Intelligent Motorcycle Helmet for Rear Big Truck/Bus Intimation and Collision Avoidance," Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’18), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 12 – 14, 2018. (EI)
  55. Yu-Ching Mo, Ke-Yu Su, Wen-Bin Kang, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, and Yun-Hui Liu, “An FFT-based High-Speed Spindle Monitoring System for Analyzing Vibrations,” Proceedings of IEEE 2017 Eleventh International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST’17), Sydney, Australia, 2017. (EI)
  56. Chao-Tang Yu, Liang-Bi Chen, Wei-Wen Hu, Wan-Jung Chang, Jing-Jou Tang, and Da-Huei Lee, “Development of the Next-Generation Internet of Vehicles Communication system for Driving Safety,” Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-16), Tokyo, Japan, 2017.
  57. Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Jian-Ping Su, Wan-Jung Chang, Wei-Wen Hu, and Da-Huei Lee, “A Portable Wireless Scalp Inspector and its Automatic Diagnosis System based on Deep Learning Techniques,” Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Advanced Technology (ISAT-16), Tokyo, Japan, 2017.
  58. Yuan-Hua Zhang, Sheng-Xiu Lin, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, Wei-Wen Hu, Jing-Jou Tang, and Chao-Tang Yu, “An Implementation of an In-Vehicle Power Line Communication System,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’17), Nagoya, Japan, 2017. (EI)
  59. Yuan-Hua Zhang, Yi-Cheng Lin, Sheng-Xiu Lin, Wei-Zhe Gao, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, Wei-Wen Hu, and Chao-Tang Yu, “An Implementation of an Automatic Adjustment Power Transfer Position Wireless Battery Charging System for Mobile Devices,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’17), Nagoya, Japan, 2017. (EI) (1st Prize, IEEE GCCE 2017 Excellent Demo! Award)
  60. Yu-Ching Mo, Ke-Yu Su, Wen-Bin Kang, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang, and Yun-Hui Liu, "A Cloud-based Monitoring and Analysis System for Diagnosing High-Speed Spindle Vibrations," Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2017 ISNST), Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 19 – 20, 2017.
  61. Yu-Shang Chou, Yu-Ching Mo, Jian-Ping Su, Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Jing-Jou Tang, and Chao-Tang Yu, "A Vehicular Diagnostic System based on LoRa Low Power Wide Area Networks," Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2017 ISNST), Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 19 – 20, 2017.
  62. Jian-Ping Su, Cheng-An Wang, Yu-Ching Mo, Yu-Xiang Zeng, Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Da-Huei Lee, and Cheng-Hsin Chuang, "A Real-time IoT-based Cargos Monitoring & Management System for Intelligent Logistics Eco-Systems", Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2017 ISNST), Tainan, Taiwan, Oct. 19 – 20, 2017.
  63. Yi-Chiao Wu, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Che-Ching Yang, and Chao-Tang Yu, “'Implementation of a Zigbee-based Wireless Router for Home Automation Systems,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW’17), pp.61-62, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017. (EI)
  64. Wei-Hong Jhang, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Che-Ching Yang, and Chao-Tang Yu, “Design of a Low-Cost Level-Triggered Zigbee Network Multi-Application Sensor in Smart Homes,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE’17), pp. 1-3, Keelung, Taiwan, 2017. (EI)
  65. Yu-Shang Chou, Yu-Ching Mo, Jian-Ping Su, Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, Jing-Jou Tang, Chao-Tang Yu, “i-Car System: A RoLa-based Low Power Wide Area Networks Vehicle Diagnostic System for Driving Safety,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI’17), pp. 789-791, Sapporo, Japan, 2017. (EI) (1st prize, Best Paper Award)
  66. Jian-Ping Su, Cheng-An Wang, Yu-Ching Mo, Yu-Xiang Zeng, Wan-Jung Chang*, Liang-Bi Chen, Da-Huei Lee, and Cheng-Hsin Chuang, “i-Logistics: An Intelligent Logistics System Based on Internet of Things,” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI’17), pp. 331-334, Sapporo, Japan, 2017. (EI) (1st prize, Best Paper Award)
  67. Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Jian-Ping Su, Ji-Yi Ciou, Yi-Jhan Ciou, Cheng-Chin Kuo, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “A Wearable-Glasses-based Drowsiness-Fatigue-Detection System for Improving Road Safety,” Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’16), pp. 401-402, Kyoto, Japan, 2016. (EI) (1st Prize, IEEE GCCE 2016 Excellent Demo! Award)
  68. Tian-Hsiang Huang and Liang-Bi Chen*, “Decision Support for the QoS-aware 4G Mobile Networks through Data Mining,” Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE’16), pp. 247-248, Kyoto, Japan, 2016. (EI) (2nd Prize, IEEE GCCE 2016 Excellent Poster Award)
  69. Tian-Hsiang Huang, Vladimir Nikulin*, and Liang-Bi Chen, “Detection of Abnormalities in Driving Style Based on Moving Object Trajectories without Labels,” Proceedings of the IEEE/IIAI 5th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI’16), pp. 675-680, Kumamoto, Japan, 2016. (EI) (The Honorable Mention Award)
  70. Liang-Bi Chen, Tzu-Wei Wang, Chi-Tsai Yeh, Wan-Jung Chang*, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “Web-based Online Cooperation Training Materials for Vocational High School’s Project-based Learning Courses,” Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI’16), Okinawa, Japan, 2016. (EI) (Accepted)
  71. Hong-Yuan Li, Liang-Bi Chen, Wan-Jung Chang*, Jing-Jou Tang, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “Design and Development of an Extensible Multi-Protocol Automotive Gateway,” Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics–Taiwan (ICCE-TW’16), pp. 249-250, Nantou, Taiwan, 2016.
  72. Liang-Bi Chen*, Meng-Kang Chiang, Chia-Lin Liu, Katherine Shu-Min Li, and Jing-Jou Tang, “An Adaptive Residential Energy Management Scheme in the Smart Home,” Proceedings of the 2016 34th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’16), pp. 257-258, Las Vegas, USA, 2016. (EI)
  73. Liang-Bi Chen*, Bo-Chuan Cheng, You-Chiun Wang, Katherine Shu-Min Li, and Jing-Jou Tang, “An Efficient Fault Tolerance Path Finding Algorithm for Improving the Robustness of Multichannel Wireless Mesh Networks,” Proceedings of the 2016 34th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’16), pp. 524-525, Las Vegas, USA, 2016. (EI)
  74. Liang-Bi Chen, Chia-Wei Tsai, Wan-Jung Chang*, Yuh-Min Cheng, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “A Real-Time Mobile Emergency Assistance System for Helping Deaf-Mute People/Elderly Singletons,” Proceedings of the 2016 34th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’16), pp. 45-46, Las Vegas, USA, 2016. (EI)
  75. Liang-Bi Chen, Hong-Yuan Li, Wang-Jung Chang*, Jing-Jou Tang, Katherine Shu-Min Li, “An Intelligent Vehicular Telematics Platform for Vehicle Driving Safety Supporting System,” Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE’15), Shenzhen, China, 2015. (EI)
  76. Chung-Heng Chuang, Tsung-Hsing Lin, Liang-Bi Chen*, Tung-Lin Lee, Chaio-Hsuan Chuang, Katherine Shi-Min Li, Chih-Lin Hung, Chao-Wen Wu, “A Hybrid Multi-Functions Digital Public Address System with Earthquake Early Warning,” Proceedings of the 2014 Tenth IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP’14), pp. 171-174, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2014. (EI)
  77. Liang-Bi Chen*, Jui-Hsiang Chang, Chung-Heng Chuang, Chaio-Hsuan Chuang, Yung-Chang Tseng, Chih-Lin Hung, Chao-Wen Wu, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “Development of a Dual-Mode Visible Light Communications Wireless Digital Conference System,” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE’14), Jeju, Korea, pp. 546-547, Jun. 2014. (EI)
  78. Kai-Yang Hsieh, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “A Timing-Aware Unified Methodology for Small Delay Defects Testing,” 2014 IEEE 3rd International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE’14), Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 2014. (EI)
  79. Tsung-Hsing Lin, Liang-Bi Chen*, Chung-Heng Chuang, Tung-Lin Lee, Chaio-Hsuan Chuang, Yung-Chang Tseng, Chun-Long Chiu, Chih-Lin Hung, and Chao-Wen Wu, “A Multi-Functions Digital Public Address System for Campus Broadcasting and Security,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Global High Tech Congress on Electronics (GHTCE’13), Shenzhen, China, pp.157-158, Nov. 2013. (EI)
  80. Tsung-Hsing Lin, Liang-Bi Chen*, Tung-Lin Lee, Yung-Chang Tseng, Chaio-Hsuan Chuang, Chung-Heng Chuang, Chih-Lin Hung, and Chao-Wen Wu, “A Text-to-Speech-based Digital Public Address System for Campus Broadcasting and Language Listening Training,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE’13), Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp.281-282, Jun. 2013. (EI)
  81. Ruei-Ting Gu, Cheng-You Ho, Katherine Shu-Min Li*, Yingchieh Ho, Liang-Bi Chen, Kai-Yang Hsieh, Jiun-Jie Huang, Bo-Chuan Cheng, Sying-Jyan Wang, and Zih-Huan Gao, "A Layout-Aware Test Methodology for Silicon Interposer in 3D System-in-a-Package," Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE'13), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 41-44, Feb. 2013. (EI)
  82. Tsung-Hsing Lin, Chiao-Hsuan Chuang, Tung-Lin Lee, Liang-Bi Chen*, Yung-Chang Tseng, Chih-Lin Hung, and Chao-Wen Wu, "Development of a GUI-based Mobile Control Console for Digital Conference Systems," Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Joint 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS-ISIS’12), Kobe, Japan, pp. 902-905, Nov. 2012. (EI)
  83. Yung-Chang Tseng, Tsung-Hsing Lin, Chiao-Hsuan Chuang, Tung-Lin Lee, Liang-Bi Chen*, Chih-Lin Hung, and Chao-Wen Wu, “Low Cost Embedded Chairman/Delegate Units Design for Digital Conference System,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS’12), New Taipei City, Taiwan, pp.740-744, Nov. 2012. (EI)
  84. Chih-Yun Pai, Ruei-Ting Gu, Bo-Chuan Cheng, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “A Unified Interconnects Testing Scheme for 3D Integrated Circuits,” Proceedings of the IEEE 2011 Asian Test Symposium (ATS’11), New Delhi, India, pp.195-200, Nov. 2011. (EI)
  85. Yi-Xue Zheng, Po-Ping Kan, Liang-Bi Chen*, Kai-Yang Hsieh, Bo-Chuan Cheng, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “Fault Tolerant Application-Specific NoC Topology Synthesis for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits”, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International SoC Conference (SOCC’11), Taipei, Taiwan, pp.296-301, Sep. 2011. (EI)
  86. Katherine Shu-Min Li, Shu-Yu Chen, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Ruei-Ting Gu, “A Fast Custom Network Topology Generation with Floorplanning for NoC-based Systems”, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology (ICICDT’11), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 2011. (EI)
  87. Liang-Bi Chen, Ing-Jer Huang, Youhua Shi, Chung-Nan Lee, Shiann-Rong Kuang, and Nozomu Togawa, “A Workload Predication Scheme for Energy-aware Low-power 3D Graphics Acceleration SoC,” IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC’10), Busan, Korea, Nov. 2010. (EI) (Accepted)
  88. Liang-Bi Chen*, Jiun-Cheng Ju, Chi-Tsai Yeh, and Ing-Jer Huang, “AXIChecker: An AMBA AXI On-Chip Bus Protocol Checker with an Efficient Verification Mechanism”, Proceedings of the DAC Workshop on Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips at the 2010 ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DSNoC at DAC), Anaheim, CA, USA, Jun. 2010. (EI)
  89. Chung-Hung Lai*, Chien-Hung Chen, Cheng-Lung Chiang, Liang-Bi Chen, and Ing-Jer Huang, “An Embedded AXI Bus Tracer with Dynamic Multi-Resolution and Real-Time Compression”, Proceedings of the DAC Workshop on Diagnostic Services in Network-on-Chips at the 2010 ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DSNoC at DAC), Anaheim, CA, USA, Jun. 2010. (EI)
  90. Liang-Bi Chen*, Tsung-Yu Ho, Jiun-Cheng Ju, Cheng-Lung Chiang, Chung-Nan Lee, Ing-Jer Huang, “An Embedded Debugging/Performance Monitoring Engine for a Tile-based 3D Graphics SoC”,  Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'10), Taipei, Taiwan, pp.353-354, Jan. 2010. (EI)
  91. Liang-Bi Chen*, Tsung-Yu Ho, Yun-Nan Chang, Shen-Fu Hsiao, Chung-Nan Lee, and Ing-Jer Huang, "A Low Cost Tile-based 3D Graphics SoC Development for Digital Television ", 2009 IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC'09), Busan, Korea, Nov. 2009. (EI)
  92. Liang-Bi Chen*, Tsung-Yu Ho, Jiun-Cheng Ju, Cheng-Lung Chiang, Tzu-Ming Huang, and Ing-Jer Huang, "An Embedded Debugging/Performance Monitoring Engine and its GUI Tools for a Tile-based 3D Graphics SoC Development", 2009 IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC'09), Busan, Korea, Nov. 2009. (EI)
  93. Tsung-Yu Ho, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Ing-Jer Huang, “An Efficient HW/SW Integrated Verification Methodology for 3D Graphics SoC Development”, In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE’09), Kyoto, Japan, pp.927-931, May 2009. (EI)
  94. Chi-Tsai Yeh, Liang-Bi Chen*, Ching-Yuan Lin, Hung-Yu Chen, and Ing-Jer Huang, “A Bottom-Up Exploration Approach for 3D Graphics Hardware Accelerator in Consumer Electronics”, In Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Information Technology (SASIMI’09), Okinawa, Japan, pp.183-188, Mar. 2009.
  95. Liang-Bi Chen*, Ruei-Ting Gu, Wei-Sheng Huang, Chien-Chou Wang, Wen-Chi Shiue, Tsung-Yu Ho, Yun-Nan Chang, Shen-Fu Hsiao, Chung-Nan Lee, and Ing-Jer Huang, “An 8.69 Mvertices/s 278 Mpixels/s Tile-based 3D Graphics SoC HW/SW Development for Consumer Electronics”, In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC’09), Yokohama, Japan, pp.131-132, Jan. 2009. (EI)
  96. Chung-Ping Young, Chung-Chu Chia, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Ing-Jer Huang, “On-Chip-Network Cryptosystem: a High Throughput and High Security Architecture”, In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS’08), Macao, China, pp.1276-1279, Nov.-Dec. 2008. (EI)
  97. Liang-Bi Chen*, Tsung-Yu Ho, Ing-Jer Huang, Yun-Nan Chang, Steve W. Haga, Jin-Hua Hong, Shen-Fu Hsaio, Shiann-Rong Kuang, Ko-Chi Kuo, and Chung-Nan Lee, “The Development of an Energy-awared Mobile 3D graphics SoC with Real-time Performance/energy Monitoring and Control”, In Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC’08), Busan, Korea, Vol. I, pp.234-237, Nov. 2008. (EI) (Invited Paper)
  98. Chung-Ping Young, Chung-Chu Chia, Liang-Bi Chen*, and Ing-Jer Huang, “NCPA: A Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-cipher and Multi-mode Reconfigurable Cryptosystem”, In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP’08), Harbin, China, pp. 1356-1359, Aug. 2008. (EI)
  99. Liang-Bi Chen*, Yung-Chih Liu, Chien-Hung Chen, Chung-Fu Kao, and Ing-Jer Huang, “Parameterized Embedded In-circuit Emulator and Its Retargetable Debugging Software for Microprocessor/Microcontroller/DSP Processor”, In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC’08), Seoul, Korea, pp.117-118, Jan. 2008. (EI)
  100. Liang-Bi Chen*, Ching-Chi Hu, Yen-Ling Chen, Chi-Wei Chu, and Ing-Jer Huang, “The AES Design Space Exploration with a Soft IP Generator”, In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP’07), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Vol. II, pp.385-388, Nov. 2007. (EI)
  101. Liang-Bi Chen*, Tsung-Sheng Huang, Yueh-Ting Hsieh, Chien-Hung Chen, Yen-Ling Chen, and Ing-Jer Huang, "The Power Analysis Tool for an Embedded Systems Development Board" In Proceedings of the University Booth at 2007 IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'07), Acropolis, Nice, France, April 2007. (EI)
  102. Liang-Bi Chen*, Chung-Fu Kao, Yi-Ting Lin, Chi-Hung Lin, Chien-Chou Wang, Wen-Chi Shiue, and Ing-Jer Huang, “A Reconfigurable Diagnostic Infrastructure for SoCs”, In Proceedings of the Friday Workshop of the 2007 IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE’07), Acropolis, Nice, France, April 2007. (EI)
  103. Liang-Bi Chen*, Ing-Jer Huang, and Yuan-Long Jeang, “Design of a Dynamical PCM Selector for Non-deterministic Environment”, In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS’06), Singapore, pp.1126-1129, Dec 2006. (EI)
  104. Liang-Bi Chen*, Chi-Hung Lin, and Ing-Jer Huang, “An Educational Embedded System Platform for Power Analysis”, In Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Application (EISTA2006), Orlando, Florida, USA, pp158-163, July 2006. (EI)
  105. Liang-Bi Chen*, Yuan-Long Jeang, Tsung-Yu Ho, and Ing-Jer Huang, “A Dynamic PCM Codec Selector for Different Working Environments”, In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications (ICCSC’06), Bucharest, Romania, pp. 129-132, July 2006. (EI)
  106. Yuan-Long Jeang, Liang-Bi Chen*, Jiun-Hau Tu, and Ing-Jer Huang, “An Efficient and Low Power Systolic Squarer”,  In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE VLSI-TSA International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation, and Test (VLSI-TSA-DAT 2005), Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 37-40, April 2005. (EI)
  107. Yuan-Long Jeang, Gwo-Yang Wu, and Liang-Bi Chen*, “A Microcontroller IP Generator for SOC Platform”, In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Advanced System Integrated Circuits (AP-ASIC2004), Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 46-49, Aug 2004. (EI)
  108. Yuan-Long Jeang, Liang-Bi Chen*, Yi-Ting Chou. and Hsin-Chia Su, "An Embedded In-circuit Emulator Generator for SOC Platform", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT’03), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 315-318, Dec 2003.
  109. Yuan-Long Jeang, Liang-Bi Chen*, Chia-Ping Huang, Yu-Hsiang Hsu, Ming Yu Yeh, and Kai-Ming Yang, "Design of FPGA-based Adaptive Remote Calibration Control System", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT’03), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 299-302, Dec 2003.
  110. Yuan-Long Jeang*, Liang-Bi Chen, "A Generator for Retargetable/Reconfigurable Embedded In-circuit Emulator for SOC Testing/Debugging", In Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems (ICICS’03), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.1264-1269, Dec 2003.
  111. Gwo-Yang Wu*, Liang-Bi Chen, Yuan-Long Jeang, and Gwo-Jia Jong, "An Optimal PCM Codec Soft IP Generator and Its Application", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT’02), Hong Kong, China, pp.315-317, Dec 2002.

* denotes the Corresponding Author

Domestic Conference Papers (23 Accepted/Published Papers)

  1. 陳良弼、劉怡萱、吳文輝、黃祥睿、陳威翰,「基於智慧物聯網技術之智慧海水水族系統」發表於『2021 第十九屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會』,國立金門大學,金門縣,台灣,2021年05月28日。
  2. 張萬榮、楊景翔、陳銘哲、蘇健平、陳良弼,「運用機器學習之太陽能發電設備自動報修系統」,發表於『2020 第十八屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會』,國立高雄科技大學,高雄市,台灣,2020年06月05日。
  3. 林聖修、張原華、余兆棠、胡偉文、陳良弼、張萬榮,「基於車用電力線傳輸之行車安全輔助機制設計與實現」發表於『2019年全國電信研討會』(2019 National Symposium on Communication),台中福容大飯店麗寶樂園,台中市,台灣,2019年01月24–26日。
  4. 郭丞晉、莫玉青、張萬榮、陳良弼、張萬榮、邱裕中、余兆棠、唐經洲,「基於Sigfox低功耗廣域網路之疲勞瞌睡警示主動式智慧行車安全系統」發表於『2019年全國電信研討會』(2019 National Symposium on Communication),台中福容大飯店麗寶樂園,台中市,台灣,2019年01月24–26日。
  5. 張原華、陳良弼、林聖修、胡偉文、張萬榮、余兆棠,「車載直流電力線通訊系統之實現」,發表於『2018年全國電信研討會』(2018 National Symposium on Communication),淡水漁人碼頭福容大飯店,新北市,台灣,2018年01月25–27日。
  6. 蘇科毓、莫玉青、陳良弼、胡偉文、張萬榮、唐經洲、余兆棠,「整合異質網路通訊互聯之車載資通訊娛樂平台」,發表於『2018年全國電信研討會』 (2018 National Symposium on Communication),淡水漁人碼頭福容大飯店,新北市,台灣,2018年01月25–27日。
  7. 陳武麟、陳良弼、康文彬、葉燦宣、孫榛淋、呂宏侑、余振威、葉光庭、張萬榮,「基於BLE三點室內定位之老人行為差異預警系統」,發表於『2018年全國電信研討會』(2018 National Symposium on Communication),淡水漁人碼頭福容大飯店,新北市,台灣,2018年01月25 – 27日。
  8. 蘇科毓、莫玉青、張萬榮、余兆棠、 唐經洲、胡偉文、陳良弼,「整合異質網路互聯之智能車載資通訊平台」,發表於『2017光電與通訊工程應用研討會』(2017 Conference on Photonics and Communications),國立高雄應用科技大學,高雄市,台灣,2017年12月01日。
  9. Jian-Ping Su, Cheng-An Wang, Yu-Ching Mo, Yu-Xiang Zeng, Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Da-Huei Lee, and Cheng-Hsin Chuang, “Design and Implementation of an IoT-Based Intelligent Logistics System,” In Proceedings of the 28th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2017 VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, Aug. 2017.
  10. Ke-Yu Su, Jian-Ping Su, Liang-Bi Chen, Hong-Yuan Li, Wan-Jung Chang, and Jing-Jou Tang, “Design and Implementation of a Telematics Platform for Supporting Driving Safety,” In Proceedings of the 28th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2017 VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, Aug. 2017.
  11. Yu-Shang Chou, Yu-Ching Mo, Jian-Ping Su, Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, Jing-Jou Tang, and Chao-Tang Yu, “Design and Implementation of a LoRa-based Low-Power WAN Vehicle Diagnostic System,” In Proceedings of the 28th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2017 VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, Aug. 2017.
  12. Yi-Xue Zheng, Liang-Bi Chen, Kai-Yang Hsieh, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “Application-Specific NoC Topology Synthesis with Fault Tolerance for 3D ICs”, In Proceedings of the 21th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2011 VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, Aug. 2011.
  13. Chih-Yun Pai, Liang-Bi Chen, Bo-Chuan Cheng, Jie-Chi Chen, Katherine Shu-Min Li, and Ji-Jan Chen, “Oscillation Ring Test Scheme for Horizontal/Vertical Interconnects in 3D Integrated Circuits”, In Proceedings of the 2011 VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW’11), Taiwan, July 2011.
  14. Bo-Chuan Cheng, Te-Tien Ku, Shang-Hsien Yang, Chao-Shun Chen, Ko-Chi Kuo, Chua-Chin Wang, Kai-Yang Hsieh, Liang-Bi Chen, and Katherine Shu-Min Li, “Fault-Tolerant Communication Modeling for Smart Grid Electric Power Systems”, In Proceedings of 2011 VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW’11), Taiwan, July 2011.
  15. 陳良弼、陳虹宇、古瑞庭、黃英哲, “3D圖形資料在3D圖形硬體加速器之最佳化配置方法”, 2008電腦圖學研討會, Taiwan, July 2008.
  16. Liang-Bi Chen, Tsung-Yu Ho, Chi-Hung Lin, and Ing-Jer Huang, “A Real-Time Power Analysis System for an Embedded Systems Development Platform”, In Proceedings of the 17th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2006VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, Aug 2006. (Regular Paper-Oral Session)
  17. Yuan-Long Jeang, Liang-Bi Chen, Yi-Ting Chou, and Hsin-Chia Su, “An Embedded In-Circuit Emulator Generator for SOC Design Platform”, In Proceedings of the 14th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2003VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, Aug 2003. (Regular Paper-Oral Session)
  18. 陳良弼、吳思達,「技職教育體系學生輔導活動之探究-從社團活動進行團體輔導之可行性初探」,全國第十七屆技術及職業教育研討會,一般人文及技職教育類。
  19. 蔣元隆、陳良弼、吳國陽, “以FPGA實現參數化遠端控制伺服定位系統之研究”, 2003中華民國自動控制暨生物機電系統控制與應用研討會, Taiwan, 2003.
  20. 陳良弼、蔣元隆、吳國陽、康潰佑, “無線DSP子母影像電視應用在看診掛號系統”, 2002中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會, Taiwan, pp.D3.77-D3.78, 2002.
  21. 陳良弼、 吳國陽、蔣元隆、鐘國家, “應用於非定型工作環境之可調適性脈碼調變編解碼選擇模組”, 2002全國電信研討會, Taiwan, Vol.2, pp.92-97, 2002. (Oral Session)
  22. Liang-Bi Chen, Gwo-Yang Wu, Yuan-Long Jeang, and Gwo-Jia Jong, “An Intelligent Soft Core for PCM Codec,” In Proceedings of the 13th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2002 VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, pp.211-214, Aug 2002. (Regular Paper-Oral Session)
  23. Yuan-Long Jeang, Gwo-Jia Jong, Cheng-Hong Yang, Gwo-Yang Wu, and Liang-Bi Chen, “Load-then-Go: A Retargetable Soft-IP Generator for Microprocessors,” In Proceedings of the 11th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (2000VLSI/CAD), Taiwan, pp.205-208, Aug 2000. (Regular Paper-Oral Session)



U.S. Patents

  1. Inventor: Wan-Jung Chang, Liang-Bi Chen, et al., “SMART MEDICATION IDENTIFYING SYSTEM,” Invention Patent No: US11256966B2. (Approved).

Taiwan Patents

  1. 發明人:陳良弼、黃祥睿、陳欣妤、王薇茜,基於AI邊緣運算之手寫文字教學系統與方法,發明專利,核准(專利證書號:I824842)。(Approved)
  2. 發明人:胡武誌、陳良弼、黃柏凱、林鴻銘,基於深度學習之殘差網路架構下的自動投餌系統與方法,發明專利,申請中(專利申請號:111143770)。(Pending)
  3. 發明人:胡武誌、陳良弼、謝孟恆、丁元凱,基於深度學習之密度估計網路架構的蝦苗計數系統與方法,發明專利,核准(專利申請號:111143204)。(Approved)
  4. 發明人:陳良弼、劉怡萱、吳文輝、黃祥睿、陳威翰,基於智慧物聯網之海水水族養殖方法與裝置,發明專利,申請中(專利申請號:110146277)。(Pending)
  5. 發明人:陳皇志、林久發、洪希程、張萬榮、蘇健平、許家豪、陳良弼、莫玉青,偵測液裝桶異常開蓋與傾倒之智慧旋蓋聯網系統,發明專利,核准(專利證書號:I719438)。(Approved)
  6. 發明人:張萬榮、陳良弼、許家豪、顏宜德、邱致誠、楊子進、林晁暘、林承沛,智慧藥物辨識系統,發明專利,核准(專利證書號:I704914)。(Approved)
  7. 發明人:張萬榮、李大輝、胡偉文、陳良弼、許家豪,頭皮檢測設備,發明專利,核准(專利證書號:I670047)。(Approved)

China Patents

  1. 发明人:陈皇志、林久发、洪希程、张万荣、苏健平、许家豪、陈良弼、莫玉青,侦测液装桶异常开盖与倾倒之智能旋盖联网系统,发明专利,申请中(申请号: 201910427514.8)。(Pending)发明人:张万荣、李大辉、胡伟文、陈良弼、许家豪,头皮检测设备,发明专利,申请中(申请号:201811020084.X)。(Pending)
  2. 发明人:张万荣、陈良弼、许家豪、颜宜德、邱致诚、杨子进、林晁旸、林承沛,智能药物辨识系统,发明专利,核准(证书号第5844407号,专利号:201910529973.7)。(Approved)
  3. 发明人:张万荣、李大辉、胡伟文、陈良弼、许家豪,头皮检测设备,发明专利,申请中(申請號:201811020084.X)。(Pending)

  • 中華民國視聽電子技術士
  • 中華民國視聽電子乙級技術士
  • 中華民國儀錶電子技術士
  • 中華民國電腦軟體應用乙級技術士
  • 中華民國考試院外語(英語)領隊人員考試及格
  • 中華民國領隊人員執業證 (語言別:華語、英語)
  • 資通訊(ICT)專業英語詞彙能力國際認證─專家級(Expert Level, PVQC-ICT)
  • 國際高階Advanced HDBaseT Installer Expert 專家級技術士證照 (發證單位:HDBaseT Alliance)
  • ICDL 2.0 IT Security
  • ICDL Computing 1.0 Python
  • ICDL Presentation 6.0 Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
  • ICDL Spreadsheet 6.0 Microsoft Excel 2016
  • ICDL Word Processing 6.0 Microsoft Word 2016
  • ICDL Digital Marketing 1.0



  1. Elevation to IEEE Senior Member Grade, IEEE, Feb. 2016.

Listed in Who’s Who

  1. Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 33rd Edition-2016, 2018, 2019, 2020.
  2. World Leader of the Sciences ~2016~, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 2016.
  3. 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 2016.
  4. Asian-American Who’s Who, Vol. V
  5. Asia-Pacific Who’s Who, Vol. VII-VIII, Vol. X, Vol. XII, Vol. XIV
  6. Distinguished & Admirable Achievers, 2nd Edition-2005-06
  7. Asian Admirable Achievers, Vol. I, Vol. III-IV.
  8. Afro-Asian Who’s Who, Vol. I
  9. Biography Fame International: a biographical historiette on men and women of achievement and distinction., Vol. VII
  10. Asia’s Who’s Who of Men & Women of Achievement Vol. III-IV.

Scholarships & Grants

2022 Travel Grant for IEEE GCCE 2022 (Osaka, Japan), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2021 Travel Grant for IEEE ICCE-TW 2021 (Penghu, Taiwan), MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

2019 Travel Grant for IEEE ICCE 2019 (Las Vegas, NV, USA), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2018 Travel Grant for IEEE ICASI 2018 (Chiba, Japan), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2018 Travel Grant for IEEE ICCE 2018 (Las Vegas, NV, USA), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2017 Travel Grant for IEEE GCCE 2017 (Nagoya, JAPAN), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2016 Travel Grant for IEEE ICCE 2016 (Las Vegas, NV, USA), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2010 Awarded the Taiwan/Japan Grant (including Taiwan/Japan round-trip ticket, JPY$560,000 (about US$6,550) for Japan Living Allowance (JPY$10,000 per day), JPY$60,000 for Japan Research Travel Grant, JPY$100,000 for Research Support Allowance, and a Japan life Insurance) for 2010 Japan-Taiwan PhD Summer Program. To pursue advanced research in the Togawa Lab, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering at Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, JAPAN. (99年國科會與日本交流協會合作辦理補助博士生暑期赴日研究計畫─日本早稻田大學大學院基幹理工學研究科情報理工學專攻戶川研究室).

2010 Graduate Student Travel Grant for ACM/EDAC/IEEE DAC 2010 (Anaheim, CA, USA), National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2009 Graduate Student Travel Grant for IEEE ISOCC 2009 (Busan, Korea), National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2009 DAC 2009 Student Travel Grant for ACM/SIGDA University Booth, ACM, USA.

2009 Student Oral Paper Presentation Scholarship (Student as First Author) for IEEE/ACM ASP-DAC 2009 (Yokohama, Japan), Taiwan IC Design Society, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Awarded a NT$400,000 (about US$12,000) grant for 8 months (01/2009~08/2009) to pursue advanced research in the Department of Computer Science, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA. Graduate Students Study Abroad Program (GSSAP) (97年國科會千里馬計畫─美國加州大學爾灣分校電腦科學系高等嵌入式電腦研究中心) sponsored by National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Awarded a NT$200,000 (about US$8,000) grant for 4 months (09/2008~12/2009) to pursue advanced research in the Department of Computer Science, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA., International Cooperation Scholarship Program (97年國科會雙邊國際合作計畫獎助) sponsored by National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Honorarium for Invited paper presenter, sponsored by IEEK and IEEE ISOCC2008 (Busan, Korea).

2008 Student Oral Paper Presentation Scholarship (Student as First Author) for IEEE ISOCC2008 (Busan, Korea), IEEE Tainan Section, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Internship Allowance SG$1500 (About US$1,055) for 1 month (08/2008~09/2008), Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, at National University of Singapore, Singapore, sponsored by Singapore MOE NUS ARF Grants (R-252-000-312-112). (97年國科會國際合作計畫暨新加坡國立大學ARF學術實習研究補助─新加坡國立大學計算學院電腦科學系嵌入式系統實驗室)

2008 Graduate Student Travel Grant for IEEE IIH-MSP 2008 (Harbin, China), National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Graduate Student Travel Grant for IEEE/ACM ASP-DAC 2008 (Seoul, Korea), National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Student Oral Paper Presentation Scholarship (Student as First Author) for IEEE/ACM ASP-DAC 2008 (Seoul, Korea), Taiwan IC Design Society, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Student Oral Paper Presentation Scholarship (Student as First Author) for IEEE/ACM ASP-DAC 2008 (Seoul, Korea), IEEE Tainan Section Taiwan, R.O.C.

2007 DAC 2007 Student Travel Grant for ACM/SIGDA University Booth, ACM, USA.

2007 Research Scholarship, Springsoft Education Foundation, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2007 PhD Student Travel Grant for IEEE/ACM DATE 2007 (Nice, France), Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2006 PhD Student Travel Grant for IEEE APCCAS 2006 (Singapore), Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2006 Student Oral Paper Presentation Scholarship (Student as First Author) for IIIS EISTA 2006 (Orlando, FL, USA), Taiwan IC Design Society, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2006 PhD Student Travel Grant for ACM/IEEE DAC 2006 (San Francisco, CA, USA), Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.



International Awards

2023 3rd Place Best Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2021 Chester Sall Award, IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc), These set of awards are to recognize the best papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. A 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place Best Paper Award is given and presented at the next ICCE. The Award consists of a plaque and a financial award.

2022 2021 Outstanding Associate Editor Award, IEEE Access Journal. The criteria for becoming an Outstanding Associate Editor is to be among the Top 3% of IEEE Access Associate Editors based on the number of articles handled throughout the year in a thorough and rigorous manner, as well as being active and in good standing with the IEEE and IEEE Access.

2021 2020 Outstanding Associate Editor Award, IEEE Access Journal. The criteria for becoming an Outstanding Associate Editor is to be among the Top 3% of IEEE Access Associate Editors based on the number of articles handled throughout the year in a thorough and rigorous manner, as well as being active and in good standing with the IEEE and IEEE Access.

2021 Publons Excellent Reviewer Award for performing the most verified pre-publication peer reviews rated as ‘excellent’ by academic journal editors on Publons

2020 IEEE LifeTech 2020 Outstanding Paper Award, 2020 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech 2020), Kyoto, Japan

2019 Gold Medal Award, 2019 Kaohsiung International Invention & Design Expo, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2019 Silver Medal Award, 2019 Taiwan Innotech Expo Invention Contest, Taipei, Taiwan.

2019 Publons Peer Review Award 2019 for Placing in the Top 1% of Reviewers in Engineering in the world.

2019 Publons Peer Review Award 2019 for Placing in the Top 1% of Reviewers in Cross-Field in the world.

2018 1st Prize, IEEE GCCE 2018 Excellent Demo! Award, 2018 IEEE 7th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Nara, Japan.

2018 2nd Prize, Best Oral Paper Award, 2018 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (ISNST), Tainan, Taiwan

2018 Silver Medal Award, 2018 Taiwan Innotech Expo Invention Contest, Taipei, Taiwan.

2018 Publons Peer Review Award 2018 for Placing in the Top 1% of Reviewers in Engineering in the world.

2018 Outstanding Reviewer Award, the Editors of Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2018 The 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, Marquis Who’s Who, NJ, USA.

2017 1st Prize, IEEE GCCE 2017 Excellent Demo! Award, 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Nagoya, Japan.

2017 1st Prize, Best Paper Award, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan.

2017 The 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, Marquis Who’s Who, NJ, USA.

2016 1st Prize, IEEE GCCE 2016 Excellent Demo! Award, 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Kyoto, Japan.

2016 2nd Prize, IEEE GCCE 2016 Excellent Poster Award, 2016 IEEE 5th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Kyoto, Japan.

2016 The Honorable Mention Award, IIAI 5th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI’16), Kumamoto, Japan.

2014 IEEE Student Leadership Award, IEEE Education Society, USA. (Awarded US$500 stipend; plaque and certificate; paid registration to the IEEE/ASEE 2014 Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Madrid, Spain)

2009 2nd Prize, Xilinx Award, Chip Design Contest, 2009 IEEE International SoC Design Conference, Busan, Korea. (Awarded Commercial Price US$4,000 Xilinx Tool & XUP Development Board)


Special Awards

2020 Global Achievers Award, Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage, Kolkata, India

2015 S.M. Cho IT Student Leader Award, Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2013 Achievement Award, Dale Carnegie Training, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.


National Awards

2022 Honorable Mention, Internet of Things (IoT) Division, 2022 Intelligent Innovation and Interdisciplinary Creation Contest, Ministry of Education (MoE), Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor)

2022 Honorable Mention, SoC Application for Smart Environment, 2022 Intelligent SoC Innovative Project Contest, Ministry of Education (MoE), Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor)

2022 Honorable Mention, AI DSP Applications Division, 16th Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Creative Design Contest, Ministry of Education (MoE), Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor)

2022 Honorable Mention, Green Energy and Control Applications Division, 16th Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Creative Design Contest, Ministry of Education (MoE), Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor)

2021 3rd Prize, TEMI IoT Applications Division, 16th Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Creative Design Contest, Ministry of Education (MoE), Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor)

2019 Young Scholar Potential Elite Award, National Central Library, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2018 3rd Prize & Honorable Mention, System Integration Implementation, Get Fresh! Contest (經濟部工業局搶先大賽), Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor).

2018 1st Prize, Healthcare Division, 13th Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Creative Design Contest, Ministry of Education (MoE), Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor)

2017 Enterprise Award (PAPAGO), Smart City Applications, 2017 Communications Competition, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor).

2017 Honorable Mention, Smart City Applications, 2017 Communications Competition, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C. (Team Advisor). 

2014 1st Prize, Direction Award of Senior High School Students, 2014 National High School Students’ Leisure & Health Activities Design Competition, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2014 Honorable Mention, Direction Award of Senior High School Students, Mobile Apps Division, National Innovative Electronic Design Contest, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2014 Taiwan Excellence Award for BXB C901 Conference Camera Image Processor product, Bureau of Foreign Trade of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2013 Outstanding Achievement Award for Executing Kaohsiung SBIR Project (Oct. 2012-Sep. 2013, Proposal No. SBIR10160), Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2013 Honorable Mention, Direction award of National High School Student Paper Contest, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2013 Potential Award, University Patent Analysis & Portfolio Contest, Department of Industrial Technology (DoIT), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan, R.O.C.

2013 Taiwan Excellence Award for BXB UFO 2000 series products, Bureau of Foreign Trade of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2013 Taiwan Excellence Award for BXB FCS 3025/3026 series products, Bureau of Foreign Trade of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2010 1st Prize, National Innovative Electronic Design Contest, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2010 Honorable Mention, National Innovative Electronic Design Contest, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2009 Honorable Mention, Direction award of National High School Student Paper Contest, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2008 Honorable Mention, National Innovative Electronic Design Contest, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2007 Honorable Mention, 7th Semiconductor Design and Application Competition, Macronix Golden Silicon Award, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2007 1st Prize, Direction award of National High School Student Paper Contest, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2007 2nd Prize, Direction award of National High School Student Paper Contest, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2005 2nd Prize, The 2005 Contest on Embedded Software Design Contest of Multimedia, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2004 Honorable Mention, National Innovative Electronic Design Contest, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2004 2nd Prize, Technical Teaching Plan Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2002 3rd Prize, FPGA Verification of Soft IP Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2001 Golden Technical Award, Dept. Electronic Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1999 2nd Prize, FPGA Verification of Soft IP Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1999 2nd Prize, Soft IP Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1999 Honorable Mention, IC-CAD Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1998 2nd Prize, Consumer Electronics, Taiwan Province Skills Competition, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1997 2nd Prize, Industrial Electronics, National Skills Competition, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1996 Honorable Mention, Consumer Electronics, Engineering Student Skills Competition, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.

School Awards

2022 Teaching Excellence Award, College of Marine Resources and Engineering, National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Penghu, Taiwan.

2022 Teaching Innovation and Improvement Award, National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Penghu, Taiwan.

2021 Teaching Innovation and Improvement Award, College of Marine Resources and Engineering, National Penghu University of Science and Technology, Penghu, Taiwan.

  • 113學年度
    • 國科會計畫(1案)
      • 專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫),『智慧溫室蘭花監控及生產線自動化包裝分類系統之研究』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:NSTC 112-2221-E-346-002-MY2,計畫執行期間:2023.08.01~2025.07.31,計畫金額:1,780,000元 (兩年期計畫,第二年計畫經費:890,000元)
    • 教育部計畫 (3案)
      • 教育部113年高等教育深耕計畫教學創新精進主軸計畫,『智慧物聯網系統實務專題創新精進計畫』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:113G0009-1,計畫執行期間:2024.01.01~2024.12.31,計畫金額:80,000元
      • 教育部113年高等教育深耕計畫教學創新精進主軸計畫,『海工院智慧養殖跨領域模組課程─子計畫一:資通訊跨領域講座』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:113G0009-1,計畫執行期間:2024.01.01~2024.12.31,計畫金額:150,000元
      • 教育部113年大學社會責任實踐基地(USR HUB)納入校務發展規劃,『澎湖地區數位科技小尖兵陪育計畫』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:113G0009-3-1,計畫執行期間:2024.01.01~2024.12.31,計畫金額:250,000元
  • 112學年度 (6案)
    • 國科會計畫(1案)
      • 專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫),『智慧溫室蘭花監控及生產線自動化包裝分類系統之研究』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:NSTC 112-2221-E-346-002-MY2,計畫執行期間:2023.08.01~2025.07.31,計畫金額:1,780,000元 (兩年期計畫,第一年計畫經費:890,000元)
    • 海洋委員會計畫(1案)
      • 大專校院學生專題研究計畫,『基於深度學習計算機視覺技術之水下機器人非法捕魚監控系統之研究與實現』,指導教授,計畫編號:OCA-112-023,計畫執行期間:2023.03.01~2023.10.20,計畫金額:60,000元
    • 教育部計畫 (4案)
      • 112學年度教育部『人工智慧人才培育計畫中小學分項計畫:人工智慧中小學推廣教育計畫』,澎湖縣立文光國民中學(B類)指導教授,計畫執行期間:2023.09.01~2024.07.31。
      • 教育部智慧晶片系統與應用人才培育計畫,『112學年度智慧晶片應用與聯網技術課程推廣計畫』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:6382,計畫執行期間:2023.08.01~2024.07.31,計畫金額:1,038,400元
      • 教育部112年高等教育深耕計畫教學創新精進主軸計畫,『智慧生活科技實務專題教學創新精進計畫』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:112G0004-1,計畫執行期間:2023.01.01~2023.12.31,計畫金額:80,000元
      • 教育部112年大學社會責任實踐基地(USR HUB)納入校務發展規劃,『澎湖地區數位科技小尖兵陪育計畫』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:112G0004-3-2,計畫執行期間:2023.06.01~2023.12.31,計畫金額:250,000元
  • 111學年度 (5案)
    • 國科會(科技部)計畫 (3案)
      • 專題研究計畫(產學合作研究計畫),『基於人工智慧邊緣運算技術之智慧手寫繪畫教學系統研製』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:NSTC 111-2622-E-346-001,計畫執行期間:2022.11.01~2023.10.31,計畫金額:988,000元
      • 專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫),『 國際商港數位化:智慧物聯網與區塊鏈之使用意願研究』,共同主持人,計畫編號:NSTC 111-2410-H-992-050,計畫執行期間:2022.08.01~2023.07.31,計畫金額:520,000元
      • 大專學生研究計畫,『基於AIoT技術之機器人自動導引車垃圾清理系統研究與實現』,指導教授,計畫編號:MOST 111-2813-C-346-001-E,計畫執行期間:2022.07.01~2023.02.28,計畫金額:58,000元
    • 教育部計畫 (2案)
      • 教育部111年數位學伴計畫,協同主持人,計畫執行期間:2022.01.01~2022.12.31,計畫金額:2,175,350元
      • 教育部111年高等教育深耕計畫發展學校特色子計畫,『用於智慧居家生活與智慧運輸系統之智慧物聯網系統技術研究與實現』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:11010009-1,計畫執行期間:2022.01.01~2022.12.31,計畫金額:95,000元
  • 110學年度 (5案)
    • 科技部計畫 (2案)
      • 專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫),『基於人工智慧邊緣運算技術之火龍果採收智慧農業機器人系統研究』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:MOST 110-2221-E-346-001,計畫執行期間:2021.08.01~2022.07.31,計畫金額:940,000元
      • 大專學生研究計畫,『基於AIoT技術的智慧海水水族箱系統之研究』,指導教授,計畫編號:MOST 110-2813-C-346-002-E,計畫執行期間:2021.07.01~2022.02.28,計畫金額:48,000元
    • 教育部計畫 (3案)
      • 教育部110年數位學伴計畫,協同主持人,計畫執行期間:2021.01.01~2021.12.31,計畫金額:2,411,200元
      • 教育部智慧晶片系統與應用人才培育計畫,『110學年度智慧晶片應用與聯網技術課程推廣計畫』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:5419,計畫執行期間:2021.08.01~2022.06.30,計畫金額:335,000元
      • 教育部110年高等教育深耕計畫發展學校特色子計畫,『應用於智慧居家之基於智慧物聯網技術系統研究與實現』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:110G0008-1,計畫執行期間:2021.01.01~2021.12.31,計畫金額:90,000元
  • 109學年度 (2案)
    • 科技部計畫 (1案)
      • 專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫),『應用於智慧水產養殖之具資訊安全機制智慧物聯網系統框架研究』,計畫主持人,計畫編號:MOST 109-2222-E-346-001,計畫執行期間:2020.11.01~2021.10.31,計畫金額:876,000元
    • 教育部計畫 (1案)
      • 教育部智慧聯網技術與應用人才培育計畫,『109年度教育部智慧聯網技術課程推廣計畫』,課程主持人,計畫編號:4717-1,計畫執行期間:2020.08.01~2021.06.30,計畫金額:445,000元
